Programme (en anglais) du Congrès des Nations Unies (2003).


Midday NGO Interactive Workshops
Wednesday, 8 September 2004
1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
United Nations Partnerships with Civil Society on the Millennium Development Goals

Sponsored by the NGO Section of the United Nations Department of Public Information

Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium

Representatives from various United Nations offices will discuss their work with NGOs on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Highlighting programmes that have direct impact on achieving the MDGs, they will share best practices and strategies to overcome obstacles to MDG implementation from local, national and international perspectives.

Moderator: Paul Hoeffel , Chief, NGO Section, United Nations Department of Public Information

Speakers: Sarbuland Khan, Director, Division for the Economic and Social Council, Support and Coordination, Department of Economic and Social Affairs,

Executive Coordinator, United Nations Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Task Force

Elaine Michetti , Specialist, Partnership Development, United Nations Volunteers

David Lazarus , Chief, United Nations Information Services, Bangkok

Daniel Platz , NGO-Liaison, Financing for Development Office, Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Nanette Braun , Communication Specialist,

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)

Laura Dolci-Kannan, NGO Liaison Officer, United Nations

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva

Hanifa Mezoui , Chief, NGO Section,

Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Lucie Hrbkova , Programme Management Officer,

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Economic Security and Achieving the Millennium Development Goals

Sponsored by the Partnership for Indigenous Peoples Worldwide, NGO Committee on

Disarmament, Peace and Security and

– the International Observer for Non-Violence
– (Observatoire International » Pour la Non Violence »
– /Community of Nations « Communes des nations pour la Paix »

Conference Room 6

Economic security is required to achieve the MDGs, particularly in developing countries. In an effort to keep the MDGs on track, speakers will look at escalating levels of military expenditures and shed light on the role of peace in achieving economic security. They will also focus on the rules of traditional diplomacy within the United Nations system as they relate to economic security issues. Moderator: Cora Weiss , President, Hague Appeal for Peace; Founder, Women Strike For Peace

Innovative Ways That Youth Can Communicate the Millennium Development Goals

Sponsored by the Youth Subcommittee of the 57th Annual DPI/NGO Conference Planning Committee, Art Center College of Design and Peace Child International

Conference Room A

This workshop will feature multi-media presentations of collaborative projects